NLIHC Released Today “Out of Reach 2021: The High Cost of Housing” Report
"Out of Reach” Rents Compounded Struggle for Low-Wage Workers During the Pandemic Washington, DC – NLIHC released today its annual report, Out of Reach 2021: The High Cost of Housing, which…
Renters and Homeowners Experienced Divergent Trends in Housing Expenditures in Recent Decades
The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution released “A Comparison of Renters and Homeowners in Recent Decades,” examining trends in the housing market over the last several decades,…
National Equity Atlas Estimates 5.7 Million Renters Owe $19.75 Billion in Rent Debt
The National Equity Atlas and the Right to the City Alliance have released a new Rent Debt Dashboard, which currently estimates that 5,744,000 households are behind on rent and that the total…
NLIHC Releases Spanish-Language Edition of The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes (La Escasez de Viviendas Asequibles)
NLIHC released the Spanish-language edition of its annual report, The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes (La Escasez de Viviendas Asequibles), which finds that extremely low-income renters in the U.…
New Tool Compares Changes in Population Experiencing Homelessness
The National Alliance to End Homelessness has released a new tool that allows users to compare 2019 and 2020 point-in-time counts of people experiencing homelessness. The tool shows changes at the…