Disaster Housing Recovery Federal Resources

Disaster Housing Recovery Federal Resources

Basic Disaster-related information from FEMA, HUD, SBA, USDA, GSEs, and IRS

Disaster Recovery Resources Factsheet (PDF)

HUD's February 9, 2018 CDBG-DR Federal Register notice
  • NLIHC's summary of selected features of the February 9, 2018 Federal Register CDBG-DR notice in English is at:  http://bit.ly/2ol1kk2
  • A Spanish version of NLIHC's summary, prepared by the Coalición de Coaliciones de Puerto Rico is at: http://bit.ly/2IbA6ET
HUD's August 14, 2018 CDBGR-DR Federal Register notice
  • NLIHC's summary of selected features of the August 14, 2018 Federal Register notice is at: https://bit.ly/2nIyTM2  
  • NLIHC's summary integrating the key features of the August 14 Federal Register notice into NLIHC's outline of the February 8 Notice is at: https://bit.ly/2OJYQ9v
  • A Spanish version of the key features of the August 14 Federal Register notice prepared by the Coalición de Coaliciones de Puerto Rico is at: https://bit.ly/2NEArFE
Basic Disaster Recovery Info Links

For more information, please contact NLIHC Manager of Disaster Recovery, Noah Patton at [email protected]