NLIHC published a new report, The National Housing Trust Fund: A Summary of 2019 State Projects. Part of NLIHC’s effort to document the impact of the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF), the report summarizes how each state and the District of Columbia planned to use $248 million allocated in 2019 by the HTF.
On October 26, 2022, NLIHC published The National Housing Trust Fund: An Overview of 2018 State Projects. In September 2018, NLIHC published a preliminary report examining the 2016 HTF awards, Getting Started: First Homes Being Built with National Housing Trust Fund Awards, later supplementing the report with additional data as more states provided the necessary information (“Supplemental Update to Getting Started”). NLIHC will continue providing such reports in the future.
Educational Resources & Publications
Articles, fact sheets, templates, webinar slides, videos, and more that explain aspects of the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and its regulations. Use these resources as a guide for your advocacy, especially to influence your state's HTF Allocation Plan.
Basic HTF Information
The HTF is a federal block grant to states that is used for the development, preservation, rehabilitation, and operation of affordable homes targeted primarily to extremely low income renter households.
15 Short Papers Covering Key Features of the HTF Regulations
The items below present key portions of the national Housing Trust Fund law and interim regulations, broken down by key topic areas.
- About the National Housing Trust Fund
- Formula for Distributing NHTF States
- Focus on Extremely Low Income Renters
- Influencing Where the Money Goes
- Public Participation and the ConPlan
- How Can the Money Be Used in General?
- Eligible Project Costs
- Operating Cost Assistance
- Homeowner Features
- Ineligible Activities
- Key Time Frames
- Tenant Selection and Protection
- Fair Housing Features
- Site and Neighborhood Standards
- Serving People with Disabilities
The national Housing Trust Fund: Getting to Know the Regulations
- Getting to Know the HTF Regulations, webinar slides (PDF)
- Getting to Know the HTF Regulations: A five-part video series
Allocation Plan
The national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) statute requires your state to develop an HTF Allocation Plan each year. The statute requires public participation in the development of a state’s HTF Allocation Plan. The HTF statute and interim regulations also specify basic content of an HTF Allocation Plan. The public participation requirements required in drafting each year’s HTF Allocation Plan is an advocacy opportunity – be sure to make the best of it.
- Housing the Lowest Income People: An Analysis of 2016 NHTF Draft Allocation Plans (PDF)
- Model HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
- Model HTF Allocation Plan, webinar slides (PDF)