Housing Research Repository

Housing Research Repository

The Housing Research Repository includes summaries of notable research studies and reports on topics related to affordable housing. Each week, NLIHC’s research team summarizes the latest research from the housing field in the weekly Memo to Members & Partners newsletter. The Research Repository contains all the research articles in Memo to Members & Partners, and provides links to each of the featured research studies. The Research Repository includes the latest work from universities, non-profit policy and research organizations, and government institutions.

The Research Repository also disseminates the research work of NLIHC’s state coalition partners to a national audience.

The Research Repository is designed to help housing advocates and researchers stay current on the latest national research findings, as well as on research pursued at the state and local level across the country.

If you have any questions about the Housing Research Repository, please contact Andrew Aurand, Vice President for Research, at [email protected] 202-662-1530 x245.

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