Fair housing advocates urge allies to submit comments opposing HUD rule before the comment period ends on March 16
WASHINGTON, D.C. — More than 13,000 people have submitted comments to the…
Washington, D.C. – Mayor Pete Buttigieg joins other Democratic presidential candidates in releasing bold plans to address the nation’s affordable housing crisis. Mayor Buttigieg’s plan—released today…
Washington, DC - President Trump’s budget slashes critical resources used to house some of the country’s lowest-income and most vulnerable seniors, people with disabilities, people of color, families…
Washington DC – On behalf of the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition’s (DHRC) 850 local, state, and national organizational members, we applaud the House of Representatives for approving…
Washington, DC - Today, presidential candidate and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg (D-NY) released a new Plan to Tackle America’s Housing Affordability and Homelessness Crisis. The…
Washington, DC - Today’s Supreme Court ruling on “public charge” is reprehensible. President Trump’s public charge rule is part of his administration’s sweeping and ongoing government-wide…
Washington, D.C. – The January 7 release of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Part 1 of the 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) confirms that we as a nation need to do…
Washington, D.C. – Today’s proposal from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to gut the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule represents a complete retreat from efforts…
Washington, D.C. – Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) joins a growing list of Democratic presidential candidates who have released bold plans to address the nation’s affordable…
Washington, DC - Our country’s shortage of affordable homes for the lowest income renters is severe and pervasive, impacting rural, suburban and urban communities alike. Nationally, for every ten of…
Washington, D.C. – Today’s confirmation of Robert Marbut, Jr., as the new executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) is a serious setback in our country’s efforts…
For more than 90 days, the Trump administration has violated the law by holding up congressionally approved disaster relief funds for Puerto Rico. Leaders from the National Low Income Housing…