


State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $18.86
Number of Renter Households 367,455
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 84 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Iowa Iowa Non-metropolitan areas Ames HMFA Benton County HMFA Boone County HMFA Bremer County HMFA Cedar Rapids HMFA Davenport-Moline-Rock Island MSA Des Moines-West Des Moines HMFA Dubuque MSA Iowa City HMFA Jasper County HMFA Jones County HMFA Omaha-Council Bluffs HMFA Sioux City MSA Washington County HMFA Waterloo-Cedar Falls HMFA Adair County Adams County Allamakee County Appanoose County Audubon County Benton County Black Hawk County Boone County Bremer County Buchanan County Buena Vista County Butler County Calhoun County Carroll County Cass County Cedar County Cerro Gordo County Cherokee County Chickasaw County Clarke County Clay County Clayton County Clinton County Crawford County Dallas County Davis County Decatur County Delaware County Des Moines County Dickinson County Dubuque County Emmet County Fayette County Floyd County Franklin County Fremont County Greene County Grundy County Guthrie County Hamilton County Hancock County Hardin County Harrison County Henry County Howard County Humboldt County Ida County Iowa County Jackson County Jasper County Jefferson County Johnson County Jones County Keokuk County Kossuth County Lee County Linn County Louisa County Lucas County Lyon County Madison County Mahaska County Marion County Marshall County Mills County Mitchell County Monona County Monroe County Montgomery County Muscatine County O'Brien County Osceola County Page County Palo Alto County Plymouth County Pocahontas County Polk County Pottawattamie County Poweshiek County Ringgold County Sac County Scott County Shelby County Sioux County Story County Tama County Taylor County Union County Van Buren County Wapello County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Webster County Winnebago County Winneshiek County Woodbury County Worth County Wright County
Number of Households
Total 1,290,139 505,560 38,412 10,114 10,893 9,684 94,291 71,436 269,298 39,985 61,414 14,630 8,062 48,386 40,299 8,922 58,753 3,224 1,523 5,970 5,028 2,535 10,114 53,691 10,893 9,684 8,020 7,538 5,839 3,852 8,696 5,771 7,508 19,450 5,143 4,920 3,879 7,225 7,286 19,174 6,214 39,386 3,172 3,058 7,068 17,251 8,279 39,985 3,881 8,228 6,600 4,102 2,736 3,837 5,062 4,518 6,203 4,582 7,029 5,963 7,642 3,636 4,213 3,016 6,798 8,109 14,630 6,826 61,414 8,062 4,085 6,421 14,246 94,291 4,112 3,621 4,412 6,475 8,873 13,310 15,288 5,261 4,505 3,852 3,032 4,493 17,075 5,700 2,631 6,137 3,635 10,214 3,083 199,013 37,162 7,761 1,844 4,210 71,436 4,933 12,462 38,412 6,703 2,442 4,979 2,842 14,193 19,906 8,922 2,531 15,582 4,511 8,218 40,299 3,190 5,373
Renter 367,455 126,395 17,017 1,643 2,217 1,592 24,397 22,073 82,752 10,673 25,095 3,465 1,568 13,731 12,819 2,536 19,482 946 291 1,192 1,544 554 1,643 18,635 2,217 1,592 1,552 2,258 1,148 820 2,079 1,563 1,456 5,519 1,333 899 1,069 1,972 1,800 5,118 1,633 11,658 479 1,003 1,229 5,184 1,785 10,673 868 1,958 1,560 1,122 600 943 847 737 1,773 854 1,814 1,451 1,944 866 1,087 668 1,517 1,643 3,465 2,360 25,095 1,568 879 1,682 3,463 24,397 910 733 712 1,138 2,867 3,048 4,051 986 921 839 532 1,309 4,203 1,367 635 1,834 868 2,520 665 65,569 11,294 2,289 409 807 22,073 1,184 2,592 17,017 1,639 517 1,268 472 4,780 3,650 2,536 510 4,724 1,111 1,936 12,819 724 1,392
Percent Renters 28% 25% 44% 16% 20% 16% 26% 31% 31% 27% 41% 24% 19% 28% 32% 28% 33% 29% 19% 20% 31% 22% 16% 35% 20% 16% 19% 30% 20% 21% 24% 27% 19% 28% 26% 18% 28% 27% 25% 27% 26% 30% 15% 33% 17% 30% 22% 27% 22% 24% 24% 27% 22% 25% 17% 16% 29% 19% 26% 24% 25% 24% 26% 22% 22% 20% 24% 35% 41% 19% 22% 26% 24% 26% 22% 20% 16% 18% 32% 23% 26% 19% 20% 22% 18% 29% 25% 24% 24% 30% 24% 25% 22% 33% 30% 29% 22% 19% 31% 24% 21% 44% 24% 21% 25% 17% 34% 18% 28% 20% 30% 25% 24% 32% 23% 26%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $13.81 $12.55 $16.29 $11.23 $11.81 $12.50 $12.27 $12.42 $16.02 $12.50 $15.06 $12.54 $11.23 $17.21 $13.17 $11.65 $12.31 $12.12 $13.00 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $11.23 $12.31 $11.81 $12.50 $13.44 $13.23 $12.12 $12.12 $11.27 $12.12 $12.94 $12.48 $12.12 $12.83 $12.12 $12.12 $11.23 $12.35 $12.12 $16.02 $12.19 $12.12 $12.12 $13.40 $15.17 $12.50 $12.12 $11.23 $12.65 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.31 $16.02 $13.29 $12.12 $12.12 $17.21 $12.33 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.54 $14.19 $15.06 $11.23 $12.33 $13.25 $11.50 $12.27 $11.23 $13.79 $12.12 $16.02 $11.31 $12.27 $13.44 $17.21 $12.12 $12.54 $12.12 $12.12 $14.15 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $12.56 $12.12 $16.02 $17.21 $12.71 $12.12 $12.12 $12.42 $12.12 $13.12 $16.29 $12.60 $12.12 $12.12 $12.12 $14.00 $16.02 $11.65 $12.12 $12.54 $12.12 $12.12 $13.17 $12.12 $12.12
One-Bedroom $15.16 $13.46 $17.65 $12.62 $13.17 $13.00 $13.77 $14.87 $17.29 $13.69 $17.35 $12.62 $12.87 $18.67 $15.00 $13.08 $14.17 $12.62 $13.56 $12.62 $12.62 $13.73 $12.62 $14.17 $13.17 $13.00 $13.46 $13.33 $12.62 $13.37 $12.62 $13.40 $13.50 $13.02 $14.77 $13.21 $12.62 $13.46 $12.62 $13.15 $14.77 $17.29 $13.44 $12.62 $13.96 $15.06 $15.27 $13.69 $13.54 $12.62 $12.75 $12.62 $12.62 $12.62 $14.17 $17.29 $13.85 $13.46 $12.62 $18.67 $13.12 $14.77 $13.48 $12.62 $13.38 $12.62 $12.62 $14.29 $17.35 $12.87 $13.62 $13.29 $12.92 $13.77 $13.23 $14.37 $14.42 $17.29 $12.75 $14.17 $13.90 $18.67 $12.62 $12.62 $12.63 $14.42 $14.75 $12.62 $12.73 $12.62 $12.62 $13.48 $12.62 $17.29 $18.67 $15.50 $14.02 $13.67 $14.87 $14.52 $13.37 $17.65 $13.13 $12.62 $12.62 $14.77 $14.60 $17.29 $13.08 $12.98 $12.63 $12.79 $12.62 $15.00 $12.85 $12.62
Two-Bedroom $18.86 $17.27 $19.87 $16.58 $17.31 $17.08 $18.10 $18.33 $20.77 $18.00 $20.81 $16.58 $16.58 $22.50 $19.42 $17.19 $18.15 $16.58 $17.81 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $18.15 $17.31 $17.08 $17.69 $17.50 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $17.73 $17.10 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $17.29 $16.58 $20.77 $16.69 $16.58 $16.58 $19.79 $20.06 $18.00 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $18.15 $20.77 $18.19 $16.58 $16.58 $22.50 $16.87 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $18.77 $20.81 $16.58 $16.87 $16.58 $16.96 $18.10 $16.58 $18.87 $16.58 $20.77 $16.67 $18.10 $18.21 $22.50 $16.58 $16.58 $16.60 $16.58 $19.38 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $20.77 $22.50 $17.40 $16.58 $16.58 $18.33 $16.58 $16.96 $19.87 $17.25 $16.58 $16.58 $16.58 $19.17 $20.77 $17.19 $16.58 $16.60 $16.58 $16.58 $19.42 $16.58 $16.58
Three-Bedroom $25.18 $22.18 $28.00 $21.92 $24.38 $22.02 $25.50 $23.98 $28.40 $24.21 $29.33 $23.04 $22.00 $30.04 $23.62 $21.17 $24.04 $22.00 $21.54 $21.21 $20.04 $20.04 $21.92 $24.04 $24.38 $22.02 $22.17 $22.52 $21.15 $21.38 $21.52 $22.37 $22.17 $22.02 $23.37 $23.37 $22.00 $21.96 $20.52 $21.37 $21.27 $28.40 $20.19 $20.04 $20.04 $24.37 $24.25 $24.21 $22.00 $21.02 $22.00 $22.29 $22.71 $23.37 $24.04 $28.40 $22.00 $22.75 $21.83 $30.04 $23.35 $23.35 $23.37 $20.04 $23.37 $22.23 $23.04 $22.69 $29.33 $22.00 $21.17 $20.04 $22.79 $25.50 $21.29 $22.81 $20.04 $28.40 $20.15 $21.88 $24.23 $30.04 $20.04 $20.04 $21.60 $20.04 $24.87 $22.00 $21.12 $20.79 $22.15 $23.06 $20.04 $28.40 $30.04 $23.10 $20.04 $23.37 $23.98 $23.37 $22.50 $28.00 $20.87 $20.04 $22.00 $21.90 $23.44 $28.40 $21.17 $20.04 $22.29 $21.63 $22.00 $23.62 $23.37 $20.04
Four-Bedroom $28.06 $24.59 $33.71 $24.17 $25.92 $22.75 $30.71 $27.63 $28.48 $30.54 $35.31 $23.75 $22.08 $33.33 $25.87 $24.10 $30.81 $22.08 $23.71 $23.48 $24.63 $22.08 $24.17 $30.81 $25.92 $22.75 $23.56 $23.31 $25.63 $22.08 $22.08 $25.81 $23.62 $25.44 $28.13 $26.06 $22.08 $22.08 $22.08 $23.02 $26.67 $28.48 $22.23 $28.13 $22.08 $26.35 $26.71 $30.54 $22.08 $28.13 $22.08 $24.44 $25.54 $26.87 $30.81 $28.48 $24.23 $28.13 $24.27 $33.33 $24.87 $24.58 $23.54 $22.08 $27.58 $22.90 $23.75 $25.00 $35.31 $22.08 $22.46 $22.27 $23.21 $30.71 $22.08 $25.12 $25.00 $28.48 $22.29 $24.10 $24.25 $33.33 $22.48 $26.63 $22.10 $23.06 $29.12 $22.08 $22.08 $24.56 $22.23 $23.13 $22.08 $28.48 $33.33 $23.17 $22.08 $23.46 $27.63 $26.37 $22.60 $33.71 $26.31 $22.08 $22.08 $25.88 $28.96 $28.48 $24.10 $22.08 $28.17 $25.31 $22.08 $25.87 $28.02 $22.08
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $718 $653 $847 $584 $614 $650 $638 $646 $833 $650 $783 $652 $584 $895 $685 $606 $640 $630 $676 $630 $630 $630 $584 $640 $614 $650 $699 $688 $630 $630 $586 $630 $673 $649 $630 $667 $630 $630 $584 $642 $630 $833 $634 $630 $630 $697 $789 $650 $630 $584 $658 $630 $630 $630 $640 $833 $691 $630 $630 $895 $641 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $652 $738 $783 $584 $641 $689 $598 $638 $584 $717 $630 $833 $588 $638 $699 $895 $630 $652 $630 $630 $736 $630 $630 $630 $630 $653 $630 $833 $895 $661 $630 $630 $646 $630 $682 $847 $655 $630 $630 $630 $728 $833 $606 $630 $652 $630 $630 $685 $630 $630
One-Bedroom $788 $700 $918 $656 $685 $676 $716 $773 $899 $712 $902 $656 $669 $971 $780 $680 $737 $656 $705 $656 $656 $714 $656 $737 $685 $676 $700 $693 $656 $695 $656 $697 $702 $677 $768 $687 $656 $700 $656 $684 $768 $899 $699 $656 $726 $783 $794 $712 $704 $656 $663 $656 $656 $656 $737 $899 $720 $700 $656 $971 $682 $768 $701 $656 $696 $656 $656 $743 $902 $669 $708 $691 $672 $716 $688 $747 $750 $899 $663 $737 $723 $971 $656 $656 $657 $750 $767 $656 $662 $656 $656 $701 $656 $899 $971 $806 $729 $711 $773 $755 $695 $918 $683 $656 $656 $768 $759 $899 $680 $675 $657 $665 $656 $780 $668 $656
Two-Bedroom $981 $898 $1,033 $862 $900 $888 $941 $953 $1,080 $936 $1,082 $862 $862 $1,170 $1,010 $894 $944 $862 $926 $862 $862 $862 $862 $944 $900 $888 $920 $910 $862 $862 $862 $862 $922 $889 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $899 $862 $1,080 $868 $862 $862 $1,029 $1,043 $936 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $944 $1,080 $946 $862 $862 $1,170 $877 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $976 $1,082 $862 $877 $862 $882 $941 $862 $981 $862 $1,080 $867 $941 $947 $1,170 $862 $862 $863 $862 $1,008 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $862 $1,080 $1,170 $905 $862 $862 $953 $862 $882 $1,033 $897 $862 $862 $862 $997 $1,080 $894 $862 $863 $862 $862 $1,010 $862 $862
Three-Bedroom $1,309 $1,154 $1,456 $1,140 $1,268 $1,145 $1,326 $1,247 $1,477 $1,259 $1,525 $1,198 $1,144 $1,562 $1,228 $1,101 $1,250 $1,144 $1,120 $1,103 $1,042 $1,042 $1,140 $1,250 $1,268 $1,145 $1,153 $1,171 $1,100 $1,112 $1,119 $1,163 $1,153 $1,145 $1,215 $1,215 $1,144 $1,142 $1,067 $1,111 $1,106 $1,477 $1,050 $1,042 $1,042 $1,267 $1,261 $1,259 $1,144 $1,093 $1,144 $1,159 $1,181 $1,215 $1,250 $1,477 $1,144 $1,183 $1,135 $1,562 $1,214 $1,214 $1,215 $1,042 $1,215 $1,156 $1,198 $1,180 $1,525 $1,144 $1,101 $1,042 $1,185 $1,326 $1,107 $1,186 $1,042 $1,477 $1,048 $1,138 $1,260 $1,562 $1,042 $1,042 $1,123 $1,042 $1,293 $1,144 $1,098 $1,081 $1,152 $1,199 $1,042 $1,477 $1,562 $1,201 $1,042 $1,215 $1,247 $1,215 $1,170 $1,456 $1,085 $1,042 $1,144 $1,139 $1,219 $1,477 $1,101 $1,042 $1,159 $1,125 $1,144 $1,228 $1,215 $1,042
Four-Bedroom $1,459 $1,279 $1,753 $1,257 $1,348 $1,183 $1,597 $1,437 $1,481 $1,588 $1,836 $1,235 $1,148 $1,733 $1,345 $1,253 $1,602 $1,148 $1,233 $1,221 $1,281 $1,148 $1,257 $1,602 $1,348 $1,183 $1,225 $1,212 $1,333 $1,148 $1,148 $1,342 $1,228 $1,323 $1,463 $1,355 $1,148 $1,148 $1,148 $1,197 $1,387 $1,481 $1,156 $1,463 $1,148 $1,370 $1,389 $1,588 $1,148 $1,463 $1,148 $1,271 $1,328 $1,397 $1,602 $1,481 $1,260 $1,463 $1,262 $1,733 $1,293 $1,278 $1,224 $1,148 $1,434 $1,191 $1,235 $1,300 $1,836 $1,148 $1,168 $1,158 $1,207 $1,597 $1,148 $1,306 $1,300 $1,481 $1,159 $1,253 $1,261 $1,733 $1,169 $1,385 $1,149 $1,199 $1,514 $1,148 $1,148 $1,277 $1,156 $1,203 $1,148 $1,481 $1,733 $1,205 $1,148 $1,220 $1,437 $1,371 $1,175 $1,753 $1,368 $1,148 $1,148 $1,346 $1,506 $1,481 $1,253 $1,148 $1,465 $1,316 $1,148 $1,345 $1,457 $1,148
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $28,722 $26,103 $33,880 $23,360 $24,560 $26,000 $25,520 $25,840 $33,320 $26,000 $31,320 $26,080 $23,360 $35,800 $27,400 $24,240 $25,600 $25,200 $27,040 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $23,360 $25,600 $24,560 $26,000 $27,960 $27,520 $25,200 $25,200 $23,440 $25,200 $26,920 $25,960 $25,200 $26,680 $25,200 $25,200 $23,360 $25,680 $25,200 $33,320 $25,360 $25,200 $25,200 $27,880 $31,560 $26,000 $25,200 $23,360 $26,320 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $25,600 $33,320 $27,640 $25,200 $25,200 $35,800 $25,640 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $26,080 $29,520 $31,320 $23,360 $25,640 $27,560 $23,920 $25,520 $23,360 $28,680 $25,200 $33,320 $23,520 $25,520 $27,960 $35,800 $25,200 $26,080 $25,200 $25,200 $29,440 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $26,120 $25,200 $33,320 $35,800 $26,440 $25,200 $25,200 $25,840 $25,200 $27,280 $33,880 $26,200 $25,200 $25,200 $25,200 $29,120 $33,320 $24,240 $25,200 $26,080 $25,200 $25,200 $27,400 $25,200 $25,200
One-Bedroom $31,533 $28,003 $36,720 $26,240 $27,400 $27,040 $28,640 $30,920 $35,960 $28,480 $36,080 $26,240 $26,760 $38,840 $31,200 $27,200 $29,480 $26,240 $28,200 $26,240 $26,240 $28,560 $26,240 $29,480 $27,400 $27,040 $28,000 $27,720 $26,240 $27,800 $26,240 $27,880 $28,080 $27,080 $30,720 $27,480 $26,240 $28,000 $26,240 $27,360 $30,720 $35,960 $27,960 $26,240 $29,040 $31,320 $31,760 $28,480 $28,160 $26,240 $26,520 $26,240 $26,240 $26,240 $29,480 $35,960 $28,800 $28,000 $26,240 $38,840 $27,280 $30,720 $28,040 $26,240 $27,840 $26,240 $26,240 $29,720 $36,080 $26,760 $28,320 $27,640 $26,880 $28,640 $27,520 $29,880 $30,000 $35,960 $26,520 $29,480 $28,920 $38,840 $26,240 $26,240 $26,280 $30,000 $30,680 $26,240 $26,480 $26,240 $26,240 $28,040 $26,240 $35,960 $38,840 $32,240 $29,160 $28,440 $30,920 $30,200 $27,800 $36,720 $27,320 $26,240 $26,240 $30,720 $30,360 $35,960 $27,200 $27,000 $26,280 $26,600 $26,240 $31,200 $26,720 $26,240
Two-Bedroom $39,232 $35,911 $41,320 $34,480 $36,000 $35,520 $37,640 $38,120 $43,200 $37,440 $43,280 $34,480 $34,480 $46,800 $40,400 $35,760 $37,760 $34,480 $37,040 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $37,760 $36,000 $35,520 $36,800 $36,400 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $36,880 $35,560 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $35,960 $34,480 $43,200 $34,720 $34,480 $34,480 $41,160 $41,720 $37,440 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $37,760 $43,200 $37,840 $34,480 $34,480 $46,800 $35,080 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $39,040 $43,280 $34,480 $35,080 $34,480 $35,280 $37,640 $34,480 $39,240 $34,480 $43,200 $34,680 $37,640 $37,880 $46,800 $34,480 $34,480 $34,520 $34,480 $40,320 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $43,200 $46,800 $36,200 $34,480 $34,480 $38,120 $34,480 $35,280 $41,320 $35,880 $34,480 $34,480 $34,480 $39,880 $43,200 $35,760 $34,480 $34,520 $34,480 $34,480 $40,400 $34,480 $34,480
Three-Bedroom $52,379 $46,141 $58,240 $45,600 $50,720 $45,800 $53,040 $49,880 $59,080 $50,360 $61,000 $47,920 $45,760 $62,480 $49,120 $44,040 $50,000 $45,760 $44,800 $44,120 $41,680 $41,680 $45,600 $50,000 $50,720 $45,800 $46,120 $46,840 $44,000 $44,480 $44,760 $46,520 $46,120 $45,800 $48,600 $48,600 $45,760 $45,680 $42,680 $44,440 $44,240 $59,080 $42,000 $41,680 $41,680 $50,680 $50,440 $50,360 $45,760 $43,720 $45,760 $46,360 $47,240 $48,600 $50,000 $59,080 $45,760 $47,320 $45,400 $62,480 $48,560 $48,560 $48,600 $41,680 $48,600 $46,240 $47,920 $47,200 $61,000 $45,760 $44,040 $41,680 $47,400 $53,040 $44,280 $47,440 $41,680 $59,080 $41,920 $45,520 $50,400 $62,480 $41,680 $41,680 $44,920 $41,680 $51,720 $45,760 $43,920 $43,240 $46,080 $47,960 $41,680 $59,080 $62,480 $48,040 $41,680 $48,600 $49,880 $48,600 $46,800 $58,240 $43,400 $41,680 $45,760 $45,560 $48,760 $59,080 $44,040 $41,680 $46,360 $45,000 $45,760 $49,120 $48,600 $41,680
Four-Bedroom $58,363 $51,146 $70,120 $50,280 $53,920 $47,320 $63,880 $57,480 $59,240 $63,520 $73,440 $49,400 $45,920 $69,320 $53,800 $50,120 $64,080 $45,920 $49,320 $48,840 $51,240 $45,920 $50,280 $64,080 $53,920 $47,320 $49,000 $48,480 $53,320 $45,920 $45,920 $53,680 $49,120 $52,920 $58,520 $54,200 $45,920 $45,920 $45,920 $47,880 $55,480 $59,240 $46,240 $58,520 $45,920 $54,800 $55,560 $63,520 $45,920 $58,520 $45,920 $50,840 $53,120 $55,880 $64,080 $59,240 $50,400 $58,520 $50,480 $69,320 $51,720 $51,120 $48,960 $45,920 $57,360 $47,640 $49,400 $52,000 $73,440 $45,920 $46,720 $46,320 $48,280 $63,880 $45,920 $52,240 $52,000 $59,240 $46,360 $50,120 $50,440 $69,320 $46,760 $55,400 $45,960 $47,960 $60,560 $45,920 $45,920 $51,080 $46,240 $48,120 $45,920 $59,240 $69,320 $48,200 $45,920 $48,800 $57,480 $54,840 $47,000 $70,120 $54,720 $45,920 $45,920 $53,840 $60,240 $59,240 $50,120 $45,920 $58,600 $52,640 $45,920 $53,800 $58,280 $45,920
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 76 69 90 62 65 69 68 69 88 69 83 69 62 95 73 64 68 67 72 67 67 67 62 68 65 69 74 73 67 67 62 67 71 69 67 71 67 67 62 68 67 88 67 67 67 74 84 69 67 62 70 67 67 67 68 88 73 67 67 95 68 67 67 67 67 67 69 78 83 62 68 73 63 68 62 76 67 88 62 68 74 95 67 69 67 67 78 67 67 67 67 69 67 88 95 70 67 67 69 67 72 90 69 67 67 67 77 88 64 67 69 67 67 73 67 67
One-Bedroom 84 74 97 70 73 72 76 82 95 76 96 70 71 103 83 72 78 70 75 70 70 76 70 78 73 72 74 74 70 74 70 74 74 72 81 73 70 74 70 73 81 95 74 70 77 83 84 76 75 70 70 70 70 70 78 95 76 74 70 103 72 81 74 70 74 70 70 79 96 71 75 73 71 76 73 79 80 95 70 78 77 103 70 70 70 80 81 70 70 70 70 74 70 95 103 86 77 75 82 80 74 97 72 70 70 81 81 95 72 72 70 71 70 83 71 70
Two-Bedroom 104 95 110 91 95 94 100 101 115 99 115 91 91 124 107 95 100 91 98 91 91 91 91 100 95 94 98 97 91 91 91 91 98 94 91 91 91 91 91 95 91 115 92 91 91 109 111 99 91 91 91 91 91 91 100 115 100 91 91 124 93 91 91 91 91 91 91 104 115 91 93 91 94 100 91 104 91 115 92 100 100 124 91 91 92 91 107 91 91 91 91 91 91 115 124 96 91 91 101 91 94 110 95 91 91 91 106 115 95 91 92 91 91 107 91 91
Three-Bedroom 139 122 154 121 135 121 141 132 157 134 162 127 121 166 130 117 133 121 119 117 111 111 121 133 135 121 122 124 117 118 119 123 122 121 129 129 121 121 113 118 117 157 111 111 111 134 134 134 121 116 121 123 125 129 133 157 121 126 120 166 129 129 129 111 129 123 127 125 162 121 117 111 126 141 117 126 111 157 111 121 134 166 111 111 119 111 137 121 116 115 122 127 111 157 166 127 111 129 132 129 124 154 115 111 121 121 129 157 117 111 123 119 121 130 129 111
Four-Bedroom 155 136 186 133 143 126 169 152 157 168 195 131 122 184 143 133 170 122 131 130 136 122 133 170 143 126 130 129 141 122 122 142 130 140 155 144 122 122 122 127 147 157 123 155 122 145 147 168 122 155 122 135 141 148 170 157 134 155 134 184 137 136 130 122 152 126 131 138 195 122 124 123 128 169 122 139 138 157 123 133 134 184 124 147 122 127 161 122 122 135 123 128 122 157 184 128 122 129 152 145 125 186 145 122 122 143 160 157 133 122 155 140 122 143 155 122
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $29,421 $26,253 $36,210 $30,450 $31,200 $31,470 $30,150 $26,850 $33,900 $31,800 $34,380 $25,980 $28,290 $32,850 $27,750 $27,510 $25,650 $27,750 $26,310 $24,780 $19,170 $24,030 $30,450 $25,650 $31,200 $31,470 $27,660 $27,870 $25,680 $25,260 $28,740 $26,580 $29,970 $27,360 $28,740 $26,430 $22,470 $26,880 $25,380 $25,680 $23,550 $33,900 $28,500 $21,270 $28,860 $24,480 $30,660 $31,800 $24,300 $22,620 $27,690 $22,950 $26,700 $25,620 $25,650 $33,900 $25,890 $26,190 $25,770 $32,850 $25,770 $25,890 $25,800 $25,500 $28,770 $27,270 $25,980 $21,750 $34,380 $28,290 $24,750 $25,500 $23,940 $30,150 $26,700 $24,810 $27,450 $33,900 $25,890 $28,740 $27,300 $32,850 $28,260 $24,240 $28,620 $24,180 $26,130 $28,620 $25,620 $23,010 $27,390 $29,970 $26,130 $33,900 $32,850 $28,710 $26,940 $27,750 $26,850 $28,680 $30,480 $36,210 $25,020 $24,480 $24,990 $22,590 $21,360 $33,900 $27,510 $24,720 $26,340 $27,420 $28,050 $27,750 $27,960 $23,160
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $49,035 $43,755 $60,350 $50,750 $52,000 $52,450 $50,250 $44,750 $56,500 $53,000 $57,300 $43,300 $47,150 $54,750 $46,250 $45,850 $42,750 $46,250 $43,850 $41,300 $31,950 $40,050 $50,750 $42,750 $52,000 $52,450 $46,100 $46,450 $42,800 $42,100 $47,900 $44,300 $49,950 $45,600 $47,900 $44,050 $37,450 $44,800 $42,300 $42,800 $39,250 $56,500 $47,500 $35,450 $48,100 $40,800 $51,100 $53,000 $40,500 $37,700 $46,150 $38,250 $44,500 $42,700 $42,750 $56,500 $43,150 $43,650 $42,950 $54,750 $42,950 $43,150 $43,000 $42,500 $47,950 $45,450 $43,300 $36,250 $57,300 $47,150 $41,250 $42,500 $39,900 $50,250 $44,500 $41,350 $45,750 $56,500 $43,150 $47,900 $45,500 $54,750 $47,100 $40,400 $47,700 $40,300 $43,550 $47,700 $42,700 $38,350 $45,650 $49,950 $43,550 $56,500 $54,750 $47,850 $44,900 $46,250 $44,750 $47,800 $50,800 $60,350 $41,700 $40,800 $41,650 $37,650 $35,600 $56,500 $45,850 $41,200 $43,900 $45,700 $46,750 $46,250 $46,600 $38,600
Median Renter Household Income $43,276 $41,098 $38,861 $41,671 $39,175 $41,049 $41,739 $41,616 $52,152 $41,092 $38,942 $39,648 $36,689 $39,508 $41,687 $47,195 $39,294 $39,952 $45,487 $47,257 $29,723 $34,056 $41,671 $38,694 $39,175 $41,049 $41,654 $51,939 $39,285 $38,080 $36,241 $26,869 $40,671 $42,103 $34,787 $53,884 $27,235 $35,632 $39,058 $37,947 $42,635 $61,642 $43,938 $42,563 $42,485 $29,802 $43,706 $41,092 $40,157 $33,544 $32,706 $53,490 $51,682 $38,878 $52,494 $38,489 $51,097 $46,171 $40,028 $40,601 $34,458 $44,884 $42,865 $40,332 $43,536 $34,798 $39,648 $34,628 $38,942 $36,689 $35,605 $49,134 $31,286 $41,739 $46,061 $33,180 $68,571 $51,621 $51,044 $47,301 $52,596 $41,807 $48,420 $51,786 $26,839 $43,721 $42,149 $39,923 $44,077 $34,794 $38,636 $57,181 $47,176 $50,989 $39,167 $41,376 $36,654 $54,291 $41,616 $41,039 $40,534 $38,861 $45,464 $48,167 $37,713 $35,834 $38,682 $45,667 $47,195 $36,035 $39,472 $44,544 $42,561 $41,687 $44,656 $38,765
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $736 $656 $905 $761 $780 $787 $754 $671 $848 $795 $860 $650 $707 $821 $694 $688 $641 $694 $658 $620 $479 $601 $761 $641 $780 $787 $692 $697 $642 $632 $719 $665 $749 $684 $719 $661 $562 $672 $635 $642 $589 $848 $713 $532 $722 $612 $767 $795 $608 $566 $692 $574 $668 $641 $641 $848 $647 $655 $644 $821 $644 $647 $645 $638 $719 $682 $650 $544 $860 $707 $619 $638 $599 $754 $668 $620 $686 $848 $647 $719 $683 $821 $707 $606 $716 $605 $653 $716 $641 $575 $685 $749 $653 $848 $821 $718 $674 $694 $671 $717 $762 $905 $626 $612 $625 $565 $534 $848 $688 $618 $659 $686 $701 $694 $699 $579
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,226 $1,094 $1,509 $1,269 $1,300 $1,311 $1,256 $1,119 $1,413 $1,325 $1,433 $1,083 $1,179 $1,369 $1,156 $1,146 $1,069 $1,156 $1,096 $1,033 $799 $1,001 $1,269 $1,069 $1,300 $1,311 $1,153 $1,161 $1,070 $1,053 $1,198 $1,108 $1,249 $1,140 $1,198 $1,101 $936 $1,120 $1,058 $1,070 $981 $1,413 $1,188 $886 $1,203 $1,020 $1,278 $1,325 $1,013 $943 $1,154 $956 $1,113 $1,068 $1,069 $1,413 $1,079 $1,091 $1,074 $1,369 $1,074 $1,079 $1,075 $1,063 $1,199 $1,136 $1,083 $906 $1,433 $1,179 $1,031 $1,063 $998 $1,256 $1,113 $1,034 $1,144 $1,413 $1,079 $1,198 $1,138 $1,369 $1,178 $1,010 $1,193 $1,008 $1,089 $1,193 $1,068 $959 $1,141 $1,249 $1,089 $1,413 $1,369 $1,196 $1,123 $1,156 $1,119 $1,195 $1,270 $1,509 $1,043 $1,020 $1,041 $941 $890 $1,413 $1,146 $1,030 $1,098 $1,143 $1,169 $1,156 $1,165 $965
Median Renter Household Income $1,082 $1,027 $972 $1,042 $979 $1,026 $1,043 $1,040 $1,304 $1,027 $974 $991 $917 $988 $1,042 $1,180 $982 $999 $1,137 $1,181 $743 $851 $1,042 $967 $979 $1,026 $1,041 $1,298 $982 $952 $906 $672 $1,017 $1,053 $870 $1,347 $681 $891 $976 $949 $1,066 $1,541 $1,098 $1,064 $1,062 $745 $1,093 $1,027 $1,004 $839 $818 $1,337 $1,292 $972 $1,312 $962 $1,277 $1,154 $1,001 $1,015 $861 $1,122 $1,072 $1,008 $1,088 $870 $991 $866 $974 $917 $890 $1,228 $782 $1,043 $1,152 $829 $1,714 $1,291 $1,276 $1,183 $1,315 $1,045 $1,211 $1,295 $671 $1,093 $1,054 $998 $1,102 $870 $966 $1,430 $1,179 $1,275 $979 $1,034 $916 $1,357 $1,040 $1,026 $1,013 $972 $1,137 $1,204 $943 $896 $967 $1,142 $1,180 $901 $987 $1,114 $1,064 $1,042 $1,116 $969

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 19,350 $13.30
Fast Food and Counter Workers 39,880 $13.95
Cashiers 44,750 $14.03
Retail Salespersons 34,610 $14.78
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $15.16
Cooks, Restaurant 12,750 $15.81
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 23,410 $16.92
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 25,970 $17.05
Stockers and Order Fillers 26,470 $18.01
Nursing Assistants 20,160 $18.39
Medical Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 10,250 $18.56
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 11,270 $18.70
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $18.86
Office Clerks, General 24,770 $19.60
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 31,460 $19.96
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 12,970 $20.13
Customer Service Representatives 30,250 $20.26
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 19,850 $20.62
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 15,290 $22.65
All Occupations 1,544,760 $22.88
Construction Laborers 12,290 $22.97
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 14,730 $23.62
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 37,530 $25.03
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 10,540 $29.70
First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 11,170 $32.06
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 16,720 $32.56
Business Operations Specialists, All Other 9,520 $33.57
Accountants and Auditors 13,090 $35.19
Registered Nurses 33,300 $35.25
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 9,750 $37.38
General and Operations Managers 35,510 $38.71
Software Developers 9,730 $52.16
Financial Managers 10,350 $62.17