In a sharp deviation from tradition, Senate Budget Committee Chair Michael Enzi (R-WY) and House Budget Committee Chair Tom (R-GA) Price issued a joint statement on February 4 announcing they will…
The House Committee on Ways and Means will hold a hearing on President Barack Obama’s budget proposals for the Department of Treasury for FY17 on February 11. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew will be the…
On February 2 and 3, the House Committee on Financial Services marked up its Views and Estimates on the FY17 budget, which is submitted to the House Budget Committee for consideration in preparing…
The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance will hold a hearing, “The Future of Housing in America: Examining the Health of the Federal Housing Administration,” on February 11…
On February 3, HUD issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) in the Federal Register to seek comments on how HUD can structure policies to ensure that individuals and families residing…
The first webinar in NLIHC’s 2016 Voterization series, “Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Voter Registration,” will be presented on Wednesday, February 17 at 2:00pm ET. Throughout…
A new paper titled Childhood Environment and Gender Gaps in Adulthood examines the relationship between childhood environment and gender gaps in economic well-being in adulthood. The findings…
The Center for American Progress and the Equal Rights Center recently released a study titled Discrimination Against Transgender Women Seeking Access to Homeless Shelters. Utilizing test calls to 100…
The Housing Assistance Council will host a webinar on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s proposed rule regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s duty to serve traditionally underserved markets. The…
Sarah Jemison joined NLIHC on February 1 as a Housing Advocacy Organizer. Prior to coming to NLIHC, Sarah worked as the Special Projects Fellow at Achievement Prep Charter School in Southeast DC,…
NLIHC is accepting resumes for summer 2016 internship positions. Interns are highly valued and fully integrated into our staff work. We seek students passionate about social justice issues, with…