Memo to Members

NHTF in President Obama’s Budget Request

The FY17 budget proposed by President Barack Obama cites $182 million as the amount that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will provide for the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) in 2016. This is…

Mortgage Interest Deduction Projections Down

The annual budget prepared by the Office of Management and Budget includes a report on the estimated cost of tax expenditures for the immediate past year and ten years going forward. Federal law…

President Sends FY17 Request to Congress

President Barack Obama delivered his FY17 budget request to Congress on February 9. The request is the first formal action toward completing FY17 appropriations bills before the October 1 start of…

House Conservatives Call Spending Caps Too High

Despite promises and pleas for “regular order” in the annual budget process by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Republicans’ most conservative wing, the House Freedom Caucus, is…

Advocates Call for Increased Funding for HOME Program

The HOME Coalition, an advocacy group of 25 affordable housing organizations including NLIHC, is circulating a sign-on letter to appropriators in the House and Senate urging them to restore funding…

Bill Would Provide Tax Relief to Renters

On February 8, Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL) introduced the “Renters Fairness and Equality Act,” H.R. 4494, to allow tax filers to deduct from their incomes the rent they paid or accrued on…