NLIHC Housing Policy Forum 2020 to Feature Leading Researchers on Ending Homelessness in America

NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2020: Ending Homelessness and Housing Poverty taking place in Washington, DC, March 25-27, 2020 will feature a session with leading researchers on “Ending Homelessness in America,” among many other topics. Register for the Forum today at:

More than 500,000 people in the U.S. experience homelessness on a given night as a result of an inadequate supply of affordable homes. The 2020 Policy Forum will feature a panel of leading researchers who will share what we know about the most effective means of ending and preventing homelessness and what we still need to learn. Confirmed and invited panelists include:

  • Jill Khadduri, principal associate, Abt Associates, and founding director, Center for Evidence-based Solutions to Homelessness
  • Margot Kushel, director, UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations & the Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative
  • Joy Moses, director, National Alliance to End Homelessness Research Institute
  • Bobby Watts, executive director, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Jill Margot Joy Bobby
Jill Khadduri Margot Kushel Joy Moses Bobby Watts

The Policy Forum will address a wide array of other topics, including the current state of affordable housing in America – the opportunities and threats; creating and sustaining multi-sector housing coalitions, racial equity in housing; the administration’s actions on homelessness; the bold policy proposals being advanced by 2020 presidential candidates and congressional leaders; the YIMBY movement; Capitol Hill insights; affordable housing messaging and narrative change; state and local housing solutions; NLIHC’s Our Homes, Our Votes nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement project; the latest affordable housing research; resident-led movements; attacks on housing for vulnerable populations; redesigning disaster housing recovery; healthy housing; rural and native housing; state and local organizing best practices; advancing ambitious housing bills; and more.

When: The Forum will begin for most participants (see note about special Resident sessions below) on Wednesday, March 25 at 1:00 pm, with a welcoming reception later that evening and a full day of sessions on Thursday, March 26. Capitol Hill Day will take place on Friday, March 27, and will kick off with a preparatory session and a light breakfast at a location near Capitol (for those planning to make congressional visits).

Additional Sessions for Low-Income Residents:  The 2020 Housing Policy Forum will offer a special extended session for low-income residents, doubling from previous years the time for workshops geared specifically to residents – providing more time for resident-specific learning and an opportunity to interact with NLIHC state partners. NLIHC will offer additional resident sessions starting on Tuesday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m., including a dinner with state partners that evening. The special resident sessions will continue on Wednesday, March 25 at 8:30 a.m. prior to the full Forum start at 1:00 p.m.

Resident Member Scholarships: A limited number of shared-lodging hotel scholarships will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis to low-income residents who are NLIHC members and who pay their own Forum registration fee. Scholarships will be awarded to ensure a broad geographic distribution. Apply for a scholarship online at or fill out and send a fillable PDF at:

Housing Leadership Awards 2020:  The 2020 NLIHC Housing Leadership Awards Presentations and Reception will take place on Thursday, March 26, 2020 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., also at the Washington Court Hotel. A separate registration fee is required to attend the Leadership Awards event. (See related article in this Memo to Members and Partners.)

Hotel Reservations:  NLIHC has a room block at discounted rates at the Washington Court Hotel where the Forum will take place. Reserve a room at or call 800-321-3010 or 202-628-2100 and ask for the NLIHC rate. Rooms are limited, so register early. The cutoff is March 6, 2020.

Register for the 2020 NLIHC Housing Policy Forum today!